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Friday, May 07, 2004

On the 40 min MRT ride 

The SMRT came up with a new tactic to "encourage" people to give up their seats to the more needy such as children, pregnant women and the elderly. Since the signs pasted near the doors don't seem to be having much effects (people gradually take them as transparent), SMRT have taken to playing their brand of "advertisement" from the broadcasting system.

The first one I heard is something along these lines:
Man 1 - "I need it, I played mahjong till late last night."
Man 2 - "I need it, I didn't have enough sleep and have to work later."
Woman 1 - "I need it more, my journey is long."
A voiceover, asking people to give up seats to the needy.

Another one:
Child - "Papa, can I keep the sweet wrapping?"
Father - "No, you can't."
Child - "Papa, can I keep the burger box?"
Father - "No, you can't."
Child - "Then can I throw them away?"
Father - "No you can't, you should not litter the MRT train."

I have to admit, sometimes I dither over giving up my seat, hoping that someone else would stand up first. Occasionally, you just want a comfortable nap for that 40 min on the train. But I also go tsk tsk over people who don't.

However, some of all these pregnant women are also too much. They cut queues before getting on the train, as if it's their right just because they're pregnant. Also, when you give up the seat to them, they don't even have the courtesy of giving a smile or say thank you. They take you as invisible and plomped down.

Of course, I'm not generalising. These are some "ugly" people I came across. There are always the polite and grateful ones out there.

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