My maternal grandmother passed away this morning. She stays in Johore Bahru, Malaysia (my mom's birthplace) with my uncle, auntie and cousins. Sad to say, although we rushed there as soon as we could after we got the call at 10am+, we did not make it in time to see her for the last time. Late by 10 minutes. My mom wept when she heard that. Initially, I thought I wouldn't be too upset about it as we've been expecting this for some time. Afterall, grandma's at the ripe old age of 94 and hasn't been healthy for some years. But I did feel a bit overwhelmed upon seeing her body and teared a bit. I recalled how she used to pamper me when I was a child, how she used to save the best food for me when I visited, being the only girl in the family, and so much more.
The least I can do for her now is to help out at her funeral as much as I can. The whole family's going back to JB in the morning again. (Boss didn't sound that happy when I informed her of the 2 days compassionate leave I need.)
# posted by Shopaholic :
12:30 AM