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Sunday, November 16, 2003


Sooooo tired. I just spent 4 hours helping my Uncle HJ set up his internet connection. He asked a friend to custom-build a computer for him and bought an ADSL modem. This is the third time I've tried to set up the internet connection in 2 weeks. First time was unsuccessful because the username wasn't activated yet. Second time was because the computer was hit by the blaster virus the moment we logged onto the internet. Today, I managed to remove the virus but still couldn't resolve the problem. The dialer kept disappearing after I restart the computer. Finally, after spending 4 hours downloading 47 MB of Windows Updates and installing an anti-virus program, I got it working (turns out there was another virus). By then, I was unable to make it for coffee with my friends.

Uncle HS also approached me to help him with his income tax filing as he's fined because of late submission.

I have no idea since when I've been appointed the administrator for my extended family. Official mails for everybody came to me, I have to fill in all sorts of application forms and during the income tax submission this year, I submitted 5 at one go via the net. Sometimes, I feel like asking them how they managed to get through all those years without me doing these stuff for them. They managed to do it before, they should still be able to do it now right? I think they just come to me because of convenience.

However, other than the occasional whining to my mom, I do these things for them willingly because they help me in times of need too. When my dad's car is not readily available, I can approach my Aunt PT and Uncle HJ to borrow their cars or for lifts. When my Uncle HJ striked 4D (lottery), he gave me a fat ang bao (red packet) and my Aunt PT always help me to buy my eye solutions near her workplace as it's cheaper. My grandma will save any chicken thigh or fresh prawns for me when I go over for dinner (they live in the block opposite mine) because I like them.

I know that when I have any problems, I can always go to my family for help. Similarly, I will help them when required. But that doesn't mean I will stop complaining about these inconveniences, especially when my Uncle HJ keeps bugging me. hehe.

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